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Category: Assisted Living

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How to Move a Parent With Dementia to Assisted Living

When a parent is diagnosed with dementia, it’s time to be proactive and start looking for professional help. Fortunately, many senior living communities offer specialized care for seniors living with dementia, offering a home where they can feel loved, valued, and supported every day. If you have a parent with dementia, consider looking at memory […]

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The Difference Between Assisted & Independent Living

Choosing the right living arrangement for seniors is essential for their well-being and quality of life. Two popular options are assisted living and independent living, each offering unique benefits suited to different needs. Understanding the distinction between these two can help you make an informed decision for yourself or your loved one. What is Assisted […]

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Talking to Your Children About Assisted Living Care

Talking about assisted living care can be incredibly difficult, and although there are many resources for children looking to start the challenging conversation with their parents, the same cannot be said for proactive parents. Rather than waiting for your children to make the decision for you, we recommend that you start the conversation early so that you […]

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Preventing Caregiver Fatigue

Our parents cared for us for years throughout our childhood—preparing our meals, cleaning our homes, and doing our laundry. However, when the time comes that they need us to do the same in return, it can be a challenge to balance it with our typical lifestyles. It’s no surprise then, that 40% of caregivers are […]

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How to Support a Loved One as They Make the Move to Assisted Living

Moving day is finally here. Although your parent or loved one is all smiles and is cracking jokes as you help them load the boxes into the truck, you can tell your loved one is sad to be leaving their home and moving to an uncertain future. Every person experiences these feelings, but that doesn’t […]

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