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How to Talk to Someone with Dementia

Dementia symptoms and progression can affect memory, language, and cognitive abilities, making it difficult for those affected to express themselves and understand others. Because of the changing symptoms, talking with a loved one with dementia can pose challenges for adult children and family members. However, with the following strategies and tools, you can improve your […]

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Top 5 Best Functional Exercises for Seniors

As we age, it’s essential to stay active and maintain our physical health. However, traditional exercises such as running and weightlifting aren’t always suitable for seniors due to the risk of injury or strain on joints. This is where functional exercises come in – movements that mimic everyday activities such as bending, reaching, and lifting.  […]

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Why Are Seniors More Prone to Anemia?

Anemia can occur when you have a decreased red blood cell count, so fewer than normal red blood cells circulate in the blood. It can affect individuals of all ages but is common in seniors, and the risk of developing it can increase with age.  Those 65 years and older, whether living alone or in […]

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Does Hormone Imbalance Cause Depression?

Maybe you’ve noticed recently that you’re more lethargic than usual or that you just aren’t interested in things this week. Maybe you’ve noticed concentration problems or that you’re more anxious than usual. You’re tired, irritated, and distracted. These are all common signs of depression. Depression has many different causes and symptoms, but one thing plays […]

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How Does Alzheimer’s Affect the Body?

While we still don’t know for sure what causes Alzheimer’s disease, we can see its effects clearly. It’s the most common form of dementia, and many who find themselves in memory care are dealing with its symptoms. Because it’s so common, many assisted living communities provide special amenities and activities for people with Alzheimer’s. But […]

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Top 3 Healthy Habits for Seniors

No matter our age, every one of us can adopt a few new habits to boost our health and happiness. By eating well, exercising often, and getting enough sleep, you can reduce your risk of serious illness and improve your overall quality of life throughout your golden years. Let’s break down the benefits of some […]

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4 Easy Workouts for Seniors with Arthritis

Here are just a few ways seniors with arthritis can stay in shape and enjoy their lives to the fullest! Swimming Whether you’re in an aquatic dance class or you’re just looking to do some leisurely laps, swimming is one of the best exercises to help you maintain your health in your golden years. The […]

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Benefits of Staying Hydrated During the Hot Summer Months

The summer months are a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family! Between the beach, the patio dinners, and the outdoor activities—there is no shortage of ways you can spend time out in the beautiful weather. One way to make sure you’re enjoying the warm weather is to ensure that you’re getting enough […]

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