All American Senior Living in Kingston
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How to Support a Loved One as They Make the Move to Assisted Living

Moving day is finally here. Although your parent or loved one is all smiles and is cracking jokes as you help them load the boxes into the truck, you can tell your loved one is sad to be leaving their home and moving to an uncertain future. Every person experiences these feelings, but that doesn’t […]

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Corona Virus – Updates & Prevention

12/04/20 UPDATE: COVID-19 VACCINE INFORMATION: We are excited to announce we have registered for the COVID-19 vaccine. Front line healthcare workers and residents of long term care facilities will be in the initial phase to receive the vaccine. As part of Operation Warp Speed the COVID-19 vaccine will be free to all citizens of the […]

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How Assisted Living Homes Can Help Seniors and Their Families

As our nation grows older and the average lifespan increases, the need for assisted living homes has never been greater. That said, assisted living communities don’t just provide comfortable living and health care for seniors in need, they can also be a great benefit to their friends and loved ones. Here are just a few ways […]

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How to Support a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

When someone you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it is not only overwhelming for them, but it also affects those around them. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that causes a disruption in communication among neurons, ultimately causing a loss of motor skills and memory. This can feel incredibly devastating as the disease progresses differently for everyone. […]

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5 Daily Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Although scientists across the world are hard at work to find cures for these illnesses, more than 5 million Americans are currently dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia. These topics can be worrying to think and talk about but, fortunately, there are a number of small changes people can implement in their everyday lives that can stave […]

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How to Talk to Your Loved One About Senior Living

Talking with a loved one about senior living can be a difficult conversation, but delaying it may potentially cause them more harm in the future. It’s important to recognize the signs, be aware of their well-being, and take their point of view into consideration. It’s not easy to challenge a loved one’s independence, especially if […]

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The Difference Between Assisted and Independent Living

The time has come and you’re deciding which option, either assisted or independent living, is right for you or for a loved one. The main differences between the two is the amount of care offered, the living spaces provided, and the cost required. Finding a home with the care you, or a loved one, needs […]

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Talking With Your Parent About A Senior Living Community

Life is full of phases. When you’re a child, you depend on your parent to care for you. As time moves on and you both age, you may see a reversal of roles: your parent may need more help with everyday chores, running errands, and eventually, making important life decisions. At Kaplan, we’re here to […]

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Stay Connected

When we think of overcoming obstacles, it’s hard to argue that anyone had more to overcome than Helen Keller. Yet Helen was human, and she didn’t go it alone; she relied on her friend and teacher, Susan Sullivan. While our circumstances may not resemble Helen’s in any way, it can be easy to feel alone […]

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