All American Senior Living in Kingston
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What is Short Term Respite Care?

Being the primary caregiver of someone is a demanding job. And in some cases, it can become very overwhelming. Short-term respite care—or simply respite care—is designed to give caregivers much needed (and deserved) rest. All the best intentions and love in the world won’t prevent caregiver fatigue. There comes a certain point where you simply […]

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Talking to Your Children About Assisted Living Care

Talking about assisted living care can be incredibly difficult, and although there are many resources for children looking to start the challenging conversation with their parents, the same cannot be said for proactive parents. Rather than waiting for your children to make the decision for you, we recommend that you start the conversation early so that you […]

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Benefits of Staying Hydrated During the Hot Summer Months

The summer months are a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family! Between the beach, the patio dinners, and the outdoor activities—there is no shortage of ways you can spend time out in the beautiful weather. One way to make sure you’re enjoying the warm weather is to ensure that you’re getting enough […]

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